Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Best Laid Plans

It seems like our December calendar fills up faster and faster each year.  I suppose because we are a family who likes to hold on to tradition, and also enjoys trying out new things, it's hard to not just keep adding more events we want to attend, more parties to host.

It's December 3rd, and so far, we've attended an 1860's Civil War Christmas at Latta Plantation, decorated most of our house, started 3 different advent activities, and have just about finished the Christmas shopping.  We have plans for Nativity Festivals, tree lightings, parties with friends, neighbors, and church groups.

But, in the midst of all the busy-ness, I'm really trying to not lose sight of what is truly important this year.  Because no amount of Christmas partying and celebrating will mean much if I don't get to enjoy the people I love most.  I sometimes get caught up in the planning fun surprises, but then snap at these little people with their constant needs.  This year, I'm planing to give the gift of peace, calm, and happiness to our family.  The parties will have to fit in around that.

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