Friday, December 19, 2014

St. Nick

I think it's interesting as each of my kids learns about Santa, putting ideas together from various TV shows, movies, and books that we read and other kids telling them this or that, they each come up with a slightly different persona for this character. When Bean was younger, she wasn't sure about this stealthy guy in costume who snuck into everyone's houses while they were sleeping. Bug has always seen him as a challenge, to trap or capture in some way.

Peanut apparently has decided that Santa truly is a saint. The other day we were driving and saw stray dog on the side of the road. The kids really wanted me to stop and get catch the dog but we were late and it was a busy street with nowhere to park. As the older two kids wailed and fought with me about how we were dooming the dog to its death, Peanut chimed in,"Santa will take the doggie home don't worry."

I love that his idea of Santa is so much more than just a means to getting a bunch of presents for himself.

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